Presentations on storytelling – my values
Storytelling for leaders and teams. I speak passionately about change, corporate culture and leadership. My goal is to help you become a better leader or team. Here are my promises to you.
Because of the stories, people relate to my presentations easily and find them inspiring and entertaining. People like to listen to my pleasant, warm voice.
Storytelling has been discovered by hundreds of leaders all over the world. I will share some great examples. You will hear the success and failure stories and can decide for yourself what will work for you.
A beautiful story is of no use if you cannot apply it in your work. In each presentation you are provided with the tools to do so.
There is a lot of variation: theory, stories and video clips. In addition the audience is challenged to participate. You get questions, are mentally (and sometimes even physically) activated and even apply storytelling spontaneously.
You laughed, experienced the power of stories yourself and learned the secrets of a well crafted story. You are ready to apply the best practices about storytelling to foster collaboration and trust and improve your leadership.
Book a storyteller as your keynote speaker
I can easily switch between an interactive presentation, a workshop or live coaching on stage. Tell me what’s going to work for you. The number of participants is unlimited.