Better collaboration through Storytelling
Imagine that the people in your team completely understand each other. And have plenty of trust in each other. What would it be like if they knew exactly what they were passionate about?
A team of professionals rises to great heights if they have the same basis: mutual trust, clear frameworks and a common goal. Such teams work effectively, efficiently and are highly motivated to be successful. That is working together in perfection!
- Examples of great teams
- What does a team need to flourish?
- It’s not about them. It’s about you!
- Leaders motivating their team… with a story
- Application of stories, with lots of examples
- 5 Steps to build your story
Results of the presentation
Afterwards you will know exactly what makes your team work wonders. You will hear inspiring example stories and you will receive practical tips to boost the team with storytelling. But that’s not enough! I want you to experience the power of storytelling for yourself. And leave the room with the eagerness to use storytelling to take your team to the next level.
Who, what, how long?
- The presentation is intended for team leaders, managers and CEOs.
- We will discuss which themes are relevant to you. That determines a large part of the presentation.
- And whether you only have 20 minutes or an hour and a half: I ensure that the objective and duration match.
- The audience size is unlimited.
- The presentation can take place physically on location, provided that is possible in terms of the corona virus. I would be happy to meet you in person! A perfect alternative is a webinar in which you will experience just as much energy and interaction.
Why would you choose me?
Because your congress, seminar or company event needs a powerful speaker. After all, you want something to change. You are looking for a speaker who combines years of business experience with authenticity and a perfect performance. With a lot of interaction and fun. You get a passionate storyteller, trainer and TEDx speaker coach. Look here for more background information.
This keynote at your (online) event?
Call me at +31 (0)6-36223055 or mail to and we will quickly see if we have a match.